Dont wait till the year end to know your R&D claim
Finnli gives you detailed evidence and analytics by R&D activity, expenditure category for every project that you want to claim - from the get go.
Managing R&D tax credits compliance is complex
Finnli shows your compliance status and potential eligible R&D expenditure in minutes, helping you avoid year end surprises and regulatory risk.
Plus you can easily prefund your R&D expenditure by financing it through our exclusive partners.
Finnli gives you detailed evidence and analytics by R&D activity, expenditure category for every project that you want to claim - from the get go.
Finnli automatically links your expenditure and your R&D activities , highlighting potential compliance risks and giving you the best chance to maximize your claim all while savings you heaps of time and manual effort.
GenAI powered chat with your own data and documents. Automatic tagging of R&D activities. Get realtime notifications on your key compliance risks and eliminate year end surprises on inadequate documentation and data that puts your R&D incentive at risk .
Integrate with popular products like Xero, JIRA, Github, Calendar in minutes(and many more integrations coming). Say no to manual data collation forever!
Say goodbye to endless spreadsheets, reconciliations, emails. All financial and project data with the power of a 'Google like' search gives you the confidence to face any audits
Give secure access to your team and external advisors. No more insecure sharing of data over shared drives and emails.
Get your R&D incentive pre-funded upto 18 months* in advance. We work with market leading and specialist financiers who understand innovative companies will enable your business.
Extensive choice of R&D advisors to provide specialist advice OR bring your own advisor to Finnli.